Ok, so things are clearly moving at an arthritic pace…

So here we are, another year later and I still don’t have my GT here in Sweden with me. It’s been sitting outside on blocks patiently waiting through the heat and cold of another year.

This time around I have some exciting news. Through a series of referrals I believe I have found a shipping company that can ship the car to me for about a quarter of what I had previously been quoted. In addition they will ship it in a container so no nasty weather for it while it crosses the Atlantic. I have about 2/3 of the money required so with any luck I might have my car here in Sweden before the end of summer!

I have also potentially found a winter home for it where it will be kept warm and dry along with a bunch of other enthusiast cars including an MGBT, a Lotus Super Seven, Fiat 600 and a host of other newer cars.

Here’s hoping there will be more updates in a few months at the most, rather than another year.

Meanwhile here it is being moved to a new location where it will be stored inside.

Moving my 1973 Opel GT from Jay Leno on Vimeo.

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